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How to wear cigarette trousers

We’re crushing on cigarette trousers this season as the perfect piece to carry us from day to dusk.

Whether you’re bossing the boardroom or delivering on the dancefloor – cigarette trousers will quickly become your go-to. It’s all about finding that perfect flattering fit, and once you’ve nailed that it’s time to get creative with the styling…


For Work


Premium lace Frill Blouse // Floral Blazer // Pink Duster // Lucie Shoe // Ruffle Tee // Grey Duster (Miss Selfridge)

We’re pairing our trousers with feminine blouses for work – ruffles and lace add on-trend detailing to the look. Duster jackets are forever chic, and a matching blazer will elevate your look into a power-suit. Small, comfortable heels are your new BFF – mules are big for SS17!


For Dancing


Embroidered Body // Gold Strappy Heels // Black Frill Crop // Nude Slinky Crop //Contrast Halter Top // Floral Kimono (Miss Selfridge)

For a night out trousers work well with crop tops and bodysuits for a little added sexiness – and of course, skyscraper heels! Your coverup should be light enough to dance in and glam enough to party in… we’re reaching for kimonos as the perfect piece!


For Dinner


Black Embroidered Top // Blush Duster // Embroidered Sandals // Grey Crop // Gingham Top // Premium lace Top // Floral Top (Miss Selfridge)

The perfect smart/casual top to wear with your cigarette trousers is something with a little twist, whether it’s a statement print or some broderie detailing. Play with your silhouettes and liven your look up!


For Weekends


White trainers // Grey Lattice Tee // Los Angeles Tee // Denim Jacket // Crochet Trim Tee // Choker Neck Rock Tee (Miss Selfridge)

A relaxed tee is perfect tucked into trousers and worn with trainers for a dressed-down fashion blogger look. We are loving mixing edgy graphic tees with tailored trousers for a seriously stylish juxtapose.