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How to wear a jumpsuit on a night out

Jumpsuits are a cool alternative to dresses when it comes to going out; it’s one-stop dressing at it’s best. But how do you style up your jumpsuit so it really shines on the dancefloor? We’ve styled up four different jumpsuit styles to inspire you to create your own looks…

Seventies Styling
A wide leg jumpsuit always looks cool with platform sandals, and keeping the shoes tonal gives the appearance of height, making you look taller (bonus). Add extra interest to a solid colour by adding a statement necklace, and give your whole look an edge with a timeless biker jacket.

Velvet Cut-Out Jumpsuit
Chain and Disk Drop Choker
Black Elsy Faux Leather Biker Jacket
Lilac Cabaret Platform Sandals


Sexy & Chic
If you’re opting for a black all-in-one (or another dark tone, like this khaki number), then it’s the perfect opportunity to up your accessories game. Go for gold and match your metallic heels to your earrings, and inject some colour with a insta-worthy bag.

Ruffle Cold Shoulder Jumpsuit
CAIT 3 Strap Barely There Sandals
Black Embroidered Cross Body Bag
Rose Gold Wave Hoop


Good Girl Gone Glam
Pink is not only the colour of the season, it’s a super-flattering feminine shade. Make it modern with rose gold embroidery and caged metallic heels, and go tonal by layering a silky duster jacket over your #OOTD.

CRAZE Caged Sandals
Blush Matt and Shine Duster Coat
PREMIUM Rose Gold Embellished Jumpsuit
Rose Gold Glitter Rings


Fresh Prints
Don’t shy away from pattern when it comes to choosing your jumpsuit – this bold California-style floral print looks incredible paired with the trend shoes of the season, the pointed mule. Choose a bag that makes the colours of the all-in-one pop, and rock some jewels that’ll give the disco ball a run for it’s money.

Navy Floral Frill Jumpsuit
Rhinestone Triangle Drop Earrings
LUCIE Pointed Backless Court Shoes
Red Cross Body Bag