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How to wear playsuit/jumpsuit?

Whether you call it a playsuit or a jumpsuit, this ultra lightweight and super stylish summer statement simply cannot be ignored. There are different variations of jumpsuits, from pants jumpsuits to playsuit, and with so many types and designs available today, almost any woman find a jumpsuit that will make her look smart and sophisticated.

There are now so many choices to style in more structured shapes, smart designs, and dressier fabrics, making this a very wearable city staple for day or night, from daywear to work, even from summer to winter.

Not only does the playsuit ensure fabulous looks for various different occasions, its style is extremely easy, saving you fussing about choosing separates as it’s an all-over cover-up; just pop it on and choose your shoes. However, not every woman can wear just any jumpsuit and look stylish. That’s why she needs to know the six do’s and don’ts when buying a playsuit or jumpsuit. These do’s and don’ts are meant to guide women when purchasing a jumpsuit, to ensure the piece they buy is flattering to their body, and looks fashionable and appropriate for whatever occasion.


6 Do’s When Buying a jumpsuit or Jumpsuit

The most basic of jumpsuit designs features a top attached to pants or shorts and a cinched waist. The great thing about the jumpsuit is its versatility. Designers can play on this design and create different styles of jumpsuits. When looking for the right jumpsuit, women should always keep these six do’s of buying playsuits or jumpsuits in mind.

1. Purchase the Right Length

Jumpsuits anh playsuits come in varying lengths and sizes. Taller women can get away with sweeping, floor-length pieces, while more petite women should stick to playsuits that go above the knee. Aside from bottom length, rompers can also come in different sleeve lengths. Women who have shapely arms should go bare with halter top, sleeveless, or even tube top jumpsuits. Long-sleeved jumpsuits look elegant and classy, and can also hide some less-than-perfect features.

2. Buy a Solid Color Playsuits or Jumpsuit

When in doubt, a solid color playsuit or jumpsuit looks great on any woman. The continuous silhouette created by the single color lengthens the body, and creates a flattering profile. Small prints, a few splashes of color, or color-blocked jumpsuits can also be acceptable if done in moderation.

3. Buy the Right Fit and Size

The right fit is essential when purchasing any piece of clothing, and even more so when it comes to jumpsuits. An ill-fitting jumpsuit can highlight unsightly bulges and imperfections, and may cause some embarrassing situations (especially in too-tight nether regions). When in doubt, a good rule when fitting jumpsuits is to ensure the fabric remains loose and draped while cinching the waist. For those who want to highlight their derriere, a jumpsuit that’s a little clingy around the buttocks area would be suitable.

4. Buy a Romper or Jumpsuit for Formal Events

While shorts jumpsuits are perfect for a day at the beach or a stroll in the park, they can also have a place at formal events. Hollywood celebrities wear jumpsuits on the red carpet, but these are often ramped up versions of the daytime romper. Silk or satin jumpsuits embellished with sequins can make a great nighttime outfit for anyone.

5. Wear Jumpsuits All Year Round

There are different types of jumpsuits for any weather, from playsuits for the summer to turtleneck jumpsuits for the winter. The jumpsuit is a versatile piece of clothing every woman should have and wear during any season. If anything, a basic jumpsuit is a great base that can be layered with a jacket or sweater during colder months.

6. Take Risks When Buying a Playsuit or Jumpsuit

Fashion has never been for the faint-hearted, and if designers didn’t take risks, the fashion industry would not have seen some of its best creations throughout the years. Women should try different things and take risks when it comes to dressing up and accessorizing to find out what suits them best, or risk being stuck with the same style for the rest of their lives.


6 Don’ts When Buying a Playsuit or Jumpsuit

Finding the right jumpsuit for the right body type does take some effort, but for the most part, it’s quite easy. Aside from the do’s, women should also take heed and remember these six don’ts when buying a playsuit or jumpsuit.

1. Don’t Buy a Skintight Playsuits or Jumpsuit

Playsuits and jumpsuits are made to cover and drape around the body, and buying a piece that’s so small that it hugs the body tight doesn’t look very flattering on most body types. For women who want something figure-hugging, opt for a catsuit instead, which is designed for a skintight fit.

2. Don’t Buy Wild and Crazy Prints

Unless it’s for a Halloween costume or a uniform, women should stay away from jumpsuits with large prints. Loud prints are distracting and draw the eye away from appealing parts of the body. The truth is, very few crazy or animal print jumpsuits look flattering, and few women can pull them off. Vertical stripes, denim, and see-through jumpsuits are also no-nos.

3. Don’t Choose Clingy Materials

Never buy jumpsuits made of clingy materials like polyester, spandex, or pleather. A jumpsuit should be loosely draped around the body. Fabrics like cotton and soft knitted jersey are some of the best types of materials for jumpsuits. These materials cling to the right parts of the body, while falling around the body to create a flattering silhouette.

4. Don’t Overdo the Accessories

Most fashion experts agree that women should buy their outfits together with their accessories, to ensure they match perfectly. However, the jumpsuit itself can be an overwhelming piece, and may need minimal accessories. A pair of matching shoes and simple earrings can help carry the ensemble, but don’t overdo it with chunky necklaces or thigh-high boots.

5. Don’t Buy a Playsuits or Jumpsuit That’s Difficult to Remove

One of the cons of wearing a jumpsuit is when the wearer needs to quickly remove the outfit, particularly when she has to go to the bathroom. If it takes an army of stylists to remove a single jumpsuit, then it might not be worth it. Instead, opt for a jumpsuit that can be slipped off the shoulders or has few zips and buttons (or stop drinking liquids when wearing the suit).

6. Don’t Think You Can’t Wear a Playsuit or Jumpsuit

Playsuits and jumpsuits come in all shapes, prints, and styles, and no matter what the body shape, height, or age, any woman can surely find a piece that’s perfect for her. Ankle-length, solid-colored jumpsuits look flattering on curvy women, while a cute, short playsuit can lengthen the legs on shorter women. A woman should try on different pieces and styles to see what works and what doesn’t.