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How to wear hot pink and orange like a fashionblogger?

Hot pink and orange isn’t made just for girls who have light tone skin. There’re always useful tips which can help everyone control these colors easily. Check it out!

Although it’s the end of summer, hot pink and orange still appears on many runways. How to wear these colors in the most attractive style? Follow the instruction below.

Choose the simple but elegant silhouettes

Pink dress, shirt dress: Warehouse

Pink dress: Warehouse


Wear correct accessories



Pink dress: Warehouse; Orange dress: Oasis; Yellow Clutch: Coast


Tops, bottoms: Wearhouse; Clutch: Coast


Apply ton-sur-ton makeup


Sweatshirt, pink skirt: Warehouse; Orange dress:Oasis

Pink lace dress, shirt dress: Warehouse

Costumes: Mai Son
Stylist: Chi Dung
Model: Thuy Linh, Yanisa
Photo: Pham Hoai Nam
Make up: Jolie